Open Source Web Application for OLAP Reporting

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  1. On the top navigation bar -- click on "Reports > Create New".
  2. Under "Select Data source :" -- choose the data source (OLAP server) that has the cubes for your project
  3. Under "Select Cube :" -- Choose appropriate cube that are listed on the List, these lists will populated on the basis
  4. Click on "Ok" to create analysis or Reset to reset Values
  5. Once you click on "Ok" you will be taken to the reports page if you click on the "Customize" tab on right it will present a list of all dimensions available in the cube


    You can drag and drop the filters available on the "Columns" or "Row" boxes as per your choice and hit the "Ok" button to see the change on the "Data" Tab or on the "Chart" tab or Click "Cancel" button to reset to default
  6. To select dimension level for a dimension, click on the pencil like icon on the right pencil_icon. You will see a list of all dimension levels available in the dimension.
    • To expand dimension level, click on drill-member-expand.gif
    • To collapse dimension level, click on drill-member-collapse.gif
  7. Once you have the right dimensions placed under Row and Column -- click on OK -- this will process your input for a few seconds -- and result into a bar graph (and associated table) displaying the data for the dimensions you chose
  8. On the right side of the page you have "Save" and "Save As" buttons to save the report save-saveas
    • Save as public or private
      • Saving an analysis as "private" means that the analysis is viewable only by you. If you don't have it already, the app will create a private folder in the left navigation under your username, and you will see the analysis listed under it. You will choose this option when you want to "play around" with the data on your own before sharing it with the rest of the team members.
      • Saving an analysis as "public" analysis means it is viewable by everyone who has access to this project. You will choose this option when you want to share your analysis with the rest of the project team.
      • Caveat: Best practice is to use only alphanumerics (letters and numbers only, no symbols if possible).
    • Once you save, you should see the analysis listed in the left navigation bar under the appropriate folder

Modify an Analysis

When you bring up any analysis, there are several check boxes displayed up top of the chart/table as:

    data top    

This provides you several options to configure the look and feel of the display, as well as apply the relevant filters to display just the data that you want to focus on. Here is a brief summary of these button functionalities:

Save (Save Analysis)

    Saves the analysis overwriting the existing copy. Best practice is to use only alphanumerics (letters and numbers only, no symbols if possible).

save-as-up.png (Save Analysis As)

    Saves the analysis under a different name. This is useful for moving an analysis from private to public area, or vice versa. Best practice is to use only alphanumerics (letters and numbers only, no symbols if possible).

To export report on PDF or on Excel format move you mouse over the export button Export_button

    Click on PDF to export it on PDF format
    Click on Excel to export it on Excel format

chart-down.png (Swap Axes)

    Check Box to swap axes, moves dimensions from X axis to Y, and Y from X

chart-down.png (Hide Empty Row/Columns)

    Check Box to Hide Empty row or Columns, i.e. if a row or column has all null values, they will not be displayed

chart-down.png (Show Hierarchy)

    Check Box to enable "Show Hierarchy" on Data tab on/off. "On" means names of all the parent levels of the dimensions will be displayed, "Off" means only the current dimension level's name will be displayed

chart-down.png (Show Table)

    Check Box to enable Data tab on/off.

chart-down.png (Show Chart)

    Check Box to Enable Chart tab on/off.

properties-down.png (Properties Button)

    Click on the Properties Button to change the properties of the reports, which will bring up a popup box:

    properties popup

Chart Tab

    Brings up chart configuration settings in the left navigation pane, where you can change the chart settings such as chart size, title, font, axes labels, etc. By default, the application sets these up to project defaults, and chart size is set according to your browser display size. This option allows you to overwrite all that.


    Displays the MDX syntax for the current analysis display. This is useful if you want to overwrite the MDX query with a customized query. More useful for advanced OLAP users.


    This is for writing custom SQL query for queued drillthrough. To use this, the OLAP Cube must be configured to return drillthrough results with key column only. The custom SQL query should be in the following format :

    SELECT col1,col2,..,coln
    FROM table_1, table_2.. table_n
    WHERE .... AND xx_key IN (?) ORDER BY ...

    Please note that query must have "xx_key in (?)" condition in the WHERE clause. OpenI replaces "?" with the keys returned from drillthrough request. If the custom SQL table is empty, OpenI directly saves raw drillthrough results in a file under the user's private folder.

Print Tab

    Print settings like page orientation, Paper size etc.

Sort Tab

  • Sorts the current measures in ascending order. Clicking again sorts descending, and if you click again, goes back to natural order.

  • Next to each measure in the table, you will see normally see a blue dot icon sort-natural.gif (if the measures are being displayed in their natural order).

  • Clicking on the blue dot first does an ascending sort on that particular measure attribute, and displays a red arrow tip sort-current-up.gif in the direction of the sort

  • Clicking on the red arrow again does the sort in descending arrow, and the red arrow flips sort-current-down.gif

  • Clicking on the red arrow again brings the data back to the natural order, and the blue dot sort-natural.gif is displayed back

"Data" tab options


Hierarchy Check Box

    Turning this check box on enables drilling from a high level member to members in lower levels, while still showing the parent level members. For e.g. in a geographic location dimension, if you drill down from region to city level while Drill Position button is on, you will see the city level information as well as the region level information. When this mode is on, you will see a blue + sign next to the parent level dimension member which expands when you click on it, displaying the child members.

Replace Check Box

    Turning this check box on also enables drilling from a high level member to members in lower levels, the big difference here is that it only shows the children members, and not the parent members. For e.g. in a geographic location dimension, if you drill down from region to city level while Drill Replace button is on, you will only see the city level information, and the region level information will be hidden. When this mode is on, you will see a red arrow sign next to the dimension members. The direction of the arrow indication whether you are going "down" from parent level to children level, or if you are going "up" from children to parent level.

Data Report Check Box

  • This features enables you to drill through a measure value and get the detailed data underneath it. For example, with this feature enabled, you can click on a count of customers, and get a list of the underlying customer identification numbers (and other associated information such as their account number, name, email, etc.) -- so, it is very helpful with list cutting type of features, or just looking at details underneath any summarized data.

  • Drill through is a feature that must be enabled in the OLAP cubes first. If the OLAP cube has drillthrough enabled, clicking on this button will show a blue arrow next to the measures. When you click on the blue button, it will query the underlying database, and bring up screens that list the individual records. It can also be implemented to produce a downloadable file instead of displaying the detailed records on the web page.

"Graph" tab options


    This is a list of all the different chart representation supported by the application. Choose the desired chart type and click the Apply button to change the chart type.

Setup RDBMS Reporting

  • Configure a JDBC data source:
    • Go to menu "Preferences->Manage Data Sources"
    • Click on "New->JDBC Data Source"
  • Create a report using a jasper report creator (such as iReport), create a jrxml file. See jaspersoft for more info
  • Upload the jrxml report file using manage files "Preferences->Manage Files"
  • In Report navigator tree, right click on uploaded JRXML file and select "Edit Data Source"
    • In popup window, select a valid data source
  • Click on the jrxml file to run the report

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