Open Source Web Application for OLAP Reporting

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"The process of transforming data and building intelligence should be open, transparent, and understandable."

- Sandeep Giri, Project Lead,


Business intelligence (BI) should not be restricted to the privileged few. Through project OpenI (pronounced "open eye"), we will drive the adoption of a powerful, open source business intelligence platform that will enable companies of all sizes to harness the power of their data.

BI is About Intelligence, Not Infrastructure

Goal of BI is to transform data into actionable insights. Commercial BI tools have mainly focused on providing a black-box infrastructure to address this need, leaving the end users on their own to figure out how to build intelligence, which is painfully expensive and time-consuming. The OpenI project attempts to open up the BI "Infrastructure" via open source, so that solution providers can deliver "Intelligence" without getting overwhelmed by proprietary infrastructures.


OpenI Demo (openi2/openi2)

OpenI is on SourceForge

Start Simple, and Let Community Drive the Best Solution

Since 2002, our team has been working on a BI platform with open source components, and has leveraged thsi platform to serve more than 50 Fortune 1000 companies to date. In 2005, we open sourced this platform codebase as OpenI. Our hope was (and remains) that OpenI becomes a common project where we consolidate community efforts to build a robust BI platform, and then build our individual intelligent applications on top of it.

We have started simple -- the current release of OpenI is a simple web application that does out-of-box OLAP and RDBMS reporting. You can download it today, deploy it on any J2EE server, and start publishing interactive OLAP reports and dashboards from your existing cubes right away. Future versions will include data sources other than OLAP cubes (data mining models, web data sources, etc.) and further advances in data visualization. We hope an entire community will drive the future roadmap of OpenI.

Let's Roll: Proliferate Business Intelligence

We believe in open source as a development model. Here is our current work as OpenI -- download it, modify it, add to it, embed it, praise it, criticize it -- it's here for the community, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Above all, your BI projects no longer have to be constrained by the status quo solutions from the big BI vendors. Intelligence should be open. With OpenI, you have a choice.


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